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Boulder Opal Ring in 18K White Gold with Diamonds and Multi-Coloured Gems that Poccess the Colours of the Opal, such as Sapphires, Rubies, Emeralds, and  Orange Corundum.

Anello in Oro Bianco 18kt con Opale Boulder, Contorno di Diamanti taglio Brillante e Serie di Pietre Preziose che Riprendono i Colori delle Sfumature dell'Opale (Zaffiri, Rubini, Smeraldi, Zaffiro Arancio.)

(GR 11.57 b-  Opale 4.97 ct, Saffiro 0.83 ct, Rubino 0.39 ct, Smeraldo 0.34 ct, Zaffiro arancio 0.44 ct - Diamanti taglio Brillante 0.20ct)


鑲澳寶色調之碎鑽、藍寶石、紅寶石、祖母綠、橙藍寶石之礫背澳寶 18K 白金戒指
(Opal 4.97 ct, Sapphire 0.88 ct, Ruby 0.39 ct, Emerald 0.34 ct, Orange Corundum 0.44 ct - Diamonds 0.20ct)

Boulder Opal Ring in 18K White Gold with Diamonds and Multi-Coloured Gems

€ 7.000,00Prezzo

    Pagana Atelier S.r.l.

    Via Guglielmo Calderini 5

    06122 Perugia PG, Italy

    Tel.  +39 075 5720877

    WhatsApp.  +39 335 1256506

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